Just a ready-to-learn attitude, open mind, and excitement!
At Dynasty Taekwondo the belt order is white, senior white, yellow, senior yellow, green, senior green, blue, senior blue, red, and senior red.
The length of time from beginner to testing for black belt varies with the student, but typically 4-6 years is the average. But let's start with the colored belts first: Normally students will test once every 3-4 months to progress from white belt to blue belt. Once the student achieves senior blue belt, testing times may be from 6 months to a year apart.
We accept students beginning at age 5
Practice, practice, practice!! Students learn and practice at class time but ultimately its up to the student
Although we do a lot of conditioning and flexibility training, taekwondo is a long-term commitment- not a 6 or 8 week program like most school sports